HYMN 431

Tune: C.M.S 491 H.C
215 C&F 3.Y.L.C 88 6s.5s (FE 455) 
"Speak Lord, for My servant heareth"
- 1Sam.3:9

1.  SPEAK, Lord, in Thy stillness 

     While I wait onThee

     Hushed my heart to listen

     In expectancy.

2.  Speak, O blessed Master 

     In this quiet hour

     Let me see Thy face, Lord 

     Feel Thy touch to pow'r.

3.  For the words Thou speakest 

     They are life indeed

     Living bread from heaven 

     Now my spirit feed!

4.  All to Thee is yielded

     I am not mine own 

     Blissful, glad surrender 

     I am ThinE alone.

5.  Speak, Thy servant heareth 

     Be not silent, Lord!

     Wait my soul upon Thee

     For the quick‘ning word.  Amen

Yoruba »

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