HYMN 422

C.M.S 571 t.S. 86 C.M. (FE 445) 
"My substance was not hid from thee"
- Ps. 139:15

1.  AWEFULLY miraculously

     I created of God

     All of me and all of my frame 

     I‘m wonderfully made.

2.  When I’m in secret made and formed 

     My mortal frame Thou knew

     My all and all is known to Thee 

     E’en though the soul is naught.

3.  Worthy and great Thy thought oh Lord 

     Priceless assets be it

     More in quantom than sea-shore sands 

     Numberless unto men.

4.  So well my frame is known to Thee 

     My soul oh Lord to prove

     Thy way reveal Lord unto me

     My path guide, Lord I plead.  Amen

Yoruba »

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