HYMN 407


1.  MERCIFUL Father in Thine Word

     Eternal glory beams 

     Ever, Thine holy name to praise 

     For sacred book divine.

2.  ln Thine word wretched poor is blessed 

     Infinite wealth is found

     Wealth of the sort, world can not 

     give Sosure and sure as life.

3.  The tree of kowledge is Thine word 

     Oh what grace He giveth

     So much His savour, naught of earth 

     To men, Thine word appeal.

4.  Of Thine word, heard of Redeemer 

     Peaceful tidding proclaim

     The sounding voice, of life it be 

     And everlasting joy.

5.  Christ Jesus, holy Teacher, Lord

     Ever draw nigh to me

     Thine Word, Lord, teach me all to Iove 

     Christ Jesus, me to find.  Amen

Yoruba »

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