HYMN 334

3s 7s (FE 357)
Tune: E gbohun ife at‘anu
"He is not here for he is risen"
 - Matt. 28:6

1.  HALLELUYAH, “He is risen!.” 

     Jesus is gone up on high!

     Burst the bars at death asunder 

     Angels, shout; and men, reply 

     He is risen, he is risen,

     Living now, no more to die.

2.  Hallelujah, he is risen!

     Our exalted Head to be; 

     Sends the witness of the Spirit 

     That our Advocate is He;

     He is risen, He is risen, 

     Justified in Him are we.

3.  Hallelujah, He is risen!

     Death for aye has lost if's sting,

     Christ Himself the Resurrection 

     From the grave "His own" will bring 

     He is risen, Me is risen,

     Living Lord and coming King.  Amen

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