HYMN 219
WE praise/Thee, O/God, we acknowledge/Thee
to/be the Lord
All the earth doth/worship/thee:
the/Father ever‐/lasting.
To Thee all Angels/cry a-/loud: the heaven
and / all/ the powers there-/in
To thee Cherubim/ and Seraph-im: con-/tinu-al-/ly
do/ cry.
Holy,/Holy,/Holy: Lord/ God of /Sabba-/oth;
Heaven and earth are full of thy Maje-sty:
of/ Thy/ Glo-ry
The glorious company / of -the A - /postles:
The goodly fellowship of the Prophets:
Praise/ -// Thee
The noble/ army - of /Martyrs: Praise:-/-/Thee
The holy church throughout/ all the /world:
doth ac-/know‐/ledge/ thee,
The/ Fa-/ther: of an/infi-nite/Majesty
Thine honour-/able /true : and on-/ly/ Son
Also the /Holy Ghost: the/ Com-/for-/ter
Thou art the/ King of /Glory: O / -/ -l Christ.
Thou art the/ever-/lasting / Son; of/ - the Fa/ther.
When Thou tookest upon Thee to de-liver man;
Thou didst not ab-/hor the/ Virgin’s womb
When Thou hadst overcome the /sharpness of / death;
Thou didst open the Kingdom of/heaven to / all be-/lievers.
Thou sittest at the right/ hand of / God:
in the /Glory / or The/ Father
We believe that/ Thou shalt / come:
to/ he/ our /Judge
We therefore pray THEE, /help Thy /servant:Whom
Thou hast redeemed/ with Thy/precious blood.
Make them to be numbered / with Thy / Saints:
In /glory /ever-/lasting.
O Lord, ? save Thy/ people; and / bless Thine /herit-/age
Gov-/ern/them, and/ lift them/ up for/ ever.
Day / by / day; we / magni-/fy / Thee
And we/ worship, Thy / Name: ever/ world
with -/ out / end
Vouch-/safe, O/ Lord : to keep us: this / day
with-/out/ sin
O Lord, have / mercy up-/on us: have /mer-/cy
up-/on us.
O Lord, let Thy mercy / lighten up- /on us:
as our / trust / is in / Thee
O Lord, in Thee / have I / trusted,
let me / never be con-/founded. Amen
Yoruba »Update Hymn