PM (FE 114)
"Serve the Lord with gladness, come before his
presence with singing" - Ps. 100:2
1. GOD our Creator who established Seraph
And Cherubim throughout all the universe
From great Prophet Moses Orimolade
We do praise and magnify Thy Name.
Chorus: A! Rejoice, rejoice,
rejoice, rejoice Band of Seraph
A! Rejoice, rejoice
Rejoice, rejoice Band of Cherub.
2. Where are all the elected children of God
Listen to the Shepherd’s voice now calling you;
Repent and come enter the last Ark of Christ
The time of judgement is right at hand.
Chorus: A! Rejoice, rejoice...
3. Cherub and Seraph give thanks to our Father
Continue with courage in the Holy task;
You will soon hear the voice of our Lord Saviour
Saying come and receive the reward.
Chorus: A! Rejoice, rejoice...
4. All who are passing-by come to the Saviour
To receive the new Grace of the Holy Band
Do not miss this Holy Ark of Christ Jesus
That God of Moses descend to us.
Chorus: A! Rejoice, rejoice...
5. Jesus our Lord shall come to reign in the world,
in the Midst of Cherubim and Seraphim;
A thousand year shall He reign here undisturbed
In the midst of the Band here below.
Chorus: A! Rejoice, rejoice...
6. Jesus Christ the Lord of Glory and of Grace
With whom is the path of everlasting life;
He will take to Him all that believe His words,
To our Heavenly Father above.
Chorus: A! Rejoice, rejoice... Amen
Yoruba »Update Hymn