HYMN 863

Tune: “Okan are ile kan mbe”

1.  ARISE! arise, soldiers of Christ

    The gospel of the Lord proclaim 

    Be happy and ever rejoice 

    With songs of joy the Lord to meet.

Chorus: Rejoice, for the Lord shall soon)

              return) - 2ce

              Rejoice, Rejoice, Christ shall 

              return within the sky.

2.  Great things for us the Lord hath wrought 

     Rejoice and ever let’s be glad

     For great anniversary today

     Thanks we give unto Jehovah.

Chorus: Rejoice, for the Lord...

3.  Be ready ye Soldiers of Christ 

     For the return of Christ the Lord

     Not in humility as thence

     As ere to earth our pardon seal.

Chorus: Rejoice, for the Lord shall soon)

              return) - 2ce

              Rejoice, Rejoice, Christ shall 

              return within the sky.  Amen

Yoruba »

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