HYMN 835
T. c.m.s 385 c.c. 25 p.m (FE 872)
Tune: Gbekele Olurun re
1. ALL ye Band of Seraphim
Endure on, endure on
Be ye strong and not weary
Endure on
Onward in thy Journey though
Tempest and storm may arise
Fight a good cause and fear not
Just endure.
2. Cherubim and Seraphim
Endure on, endure on
As all the Prophets of old
Who endured
Forge ahead and be not slack
Father will thy prayers hark
Endure all tribulations
Just endure.
3. Thorny the way may though seem
Endure on, endure on
Gaze above the blessed land
Endure on
Remember The Word spake thus
With wings ye will mount the hills
By the power of Trinity
We‘ll be crowned. Amen
Yoruba »Update Hymn