H.C. 259. 7.7.7 (FE 93)
1. COME,Thou Holy Paraclete
And fromThy celestial sent
Send Thy light and brilliancy.
2. Father of the poor, draw near
Giver of all gifts, be here
Come, the soul’s true radiaancy.
3. Come, of comforters the best
Of the soul the sweetest Guest
Come in tail refreshingly.
4. Thou in labour rest most sweet
Thou art shadow from the heat
Comfort in adversity.
5. O Thou Light, most pure and blest
Shine within the inmost breast
Of Thy faithful company.
6. Where Thou art not, man hath nought
Every holy deed and thought
Comes from Thy Divinity.
7. What is soiled, make Thou pure
What is wounded, work its cure
What is parched, fortify.
8. Cold and hard hearts quicken Thou,
Stubborn necks to Jesus bow
Draw the wanderer tenderly.
9. Fill Thy faithful, who confide
ln Thy power to guard and guide
With Thy Sevenfold Mystery.
10. Here Thy grace and virtue send
Grant Salvation to the end
And in heaven felicity. Amen
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