HYMN 754
Tune CM (FE 788)
1. BLESSED are the dead in the Lord
In Him alone they slept
Record it thus the spirit spake
Their toils trails on with them.
2. From all hard toil they take a rest
From this wilderness here
Rejoicing amidst Host of Saints
ln heaven there above.
3. Much and recountless is their joy
Almidst the Glorious Hosts
Christ Jesus in whom all they trust
Comfort to them He grant.
4. Numberless are the Cherubim
Around the throne of God,
Countless number of Seraphims
Singing Helleluyah.
5. Twenty and four celestial beings
And four Angelic beings
Around the throne of the Saviour
Singing Holy, Holy.
6. How great the beauty and glory?
Much and recountless be
Glitt’ring are the Saints in glory
Singing the Moses hymns.
7. Glory be to Father on high
Glory be to the Son
Glory to the Holy Spirit
Eternal Triune God. Amen
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