HYMN 697
H.C 513 (FE 722)
"Whatever pareyer or whatever supplication
shall be made of any man. Then hear Thou
from heaven and forgive" - 2Chro.6:29-30
1. lN Thy great name, God Almighty
We build this house of praise for Thee
Choose it for Thy special abode
And keep if from all terror safe.
2. When Thy people shall seek Thee here
And sinners seek and plead for life
Hear us from Thy dwelling on high
And when Thou shall, hear, do forgive.
3. When Thy servant shall preach the word
The gospel of Jesus Christ here
By the power in Thy great name
May sign and wonders be perform'd.
4. When infant voices sing their song
Hossanah to their king on high
May earth and heav‘n join the refrain
And all angels sing Hossanah.
5. May Thy glory never depart
Yet, keep Thy presence in this house
Thy kingdom come to every heart
Until Thou be entrhoned on earth.
6. Jah Jehovah our Holy King
Unto our weary hearts descend
Within our home with us abide
Never from us depart our plea. Amen
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