HYMN 664
Tune C.M. (FE 690)
1. BLESSED be the kid and the child
Todling at infancy,
Way of perdition nay to tread
God, worshipeth with awe.
2. Our mortal frame to God we yield
From infancy, so sweet
Exortic flowery gift it be
When budding at the bloom.
3. At infancy, God, serve with awe
How sweet and this at ease
As sinners groweth forth to age
Hardeneth forth in heart.
4. Arise to the worship of God
O! Now at infancy
How greatly askid we rejoice
Thus greatly grow in strength.
5. Almighty, Omniscient God
Our frames we yield to Thee
May we as kids ever be Thine
Now till eternity.
6. May works of prayers and of praise
My vocation to be
When death come calling, I’ll be firm
Heaven with joy to see. Amen
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