HYMN 630

t.s. 31 1. 10s (FE 656)
Tune: Aye si mbe ile Od’agutan

1.  CHERUBIM, Seraphim gird on thy loins, 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be prepared 

              Be ready, be ready ye my brethren 

              Cherubim, Seraphim gird on thy loins.

2.  Hoist up thy banners unto glorious King 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be prepared 

              Be ready, be ready ye my brethren 

              Hoist up thy banners unto glorious King.

3.  Blessed be He who cometh in His name 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

4.  Check into Mathew chapter twenty live 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

5.  Be not like five virgins who were unwise

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

6.  Emulate the five virgins who were wise

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

7.  Fill thy lamp with oil band of Seraphim 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

8.  Fill thy lamp with oil Band of Cherubim 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

9.  l am the Alpha and the Omega

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

10.  Ye are my chosen and my beloved 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

11.  Never be or touch anything unclean 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

12.  Check in Isaiah chapter sixty-two 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

13.  Strive hard and truly, truly to be saved 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

14.  All ye elders and the youth fellowship 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

15.  Go to the world, my gospel to proclaim 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

16.  Spread the gospel to all our friends and kins 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

17.  Beseech them, come aboard salvation ark 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

18.  Cherubim and Seraphim is the ark 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

19.  Check the gospel of Mathew chapter five 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

20.  Crown of glory, we shall earn at the end 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

21.  With thine fervent prayers be on the watch 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

22.  Be ready! oh! be ready my brethren 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

23.  Give glory unto our Father above 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

24.  Give glory to the Son and Holy Ghost 

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be... 

25.  I am He who endureth forever

Chorus: Be ready, be ready and be...  Amen

Yoruba »

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