HYMN 559

C.M.S 357 H.C 356 7s.3s (FE 586) 
"Be ye therefore sober and 
watch unto prayer” - 1Pet.4:7

1.  CHRISTIAN seek not yet repose 

     Hear Thy guardian angels say 

     Thou an in the midst of foes 

     “Watch and pray".

2.  Principalities and power 

     Mustering their unseen array 

     Wait for thy unguarded hours 

     “Watch and pray”.

3.  Gird thy heavenly armour on, 

     Wear it every night and day 

     Ambush'd lies the evil one 

     “Watch and pray”.

4.  Hear the victors who o‘ercame 

     Still they mark each warrior’s way 

     All with one sweet voice exclaim 

     “Watch and pray".

5.  Hear above all, hear thy Lord 

     Him thou lovest to obey,

     Hide within thy heart His word 

     “Watch and pray”.

6.  Watch as if on that alone 

     Hung the issue of the day

     Pray that help be descend down 

     “Watch and pray".  Amen

Yoruba »

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