HYMN 548
C.M.S 433 t.H.C 433 L.M (FE 574)
Tune: LM
1. ALL the night, at the dusk of woe
When hade erupteth in its strength
Unto Wonderful, Son of God
Gift of victory against His foe.
2. Ere commence His passton and strife
The bread He offereth, art though blessed
Thou who Thine work in all art love
Hark His word spoken art of grace.
3. His sacred flesh offered for sin
Partake, oh, bread of life it be
The sacred wine He gavest thee
This art my covenant, my blood.
4. This He commandeth do till aye
In mem’ry of thy sacred friend
Whence thou shall meet, recall to thee
Thy departed God is but love.
5. Christ Jesus Thy commands our Joy
Thine redemptive death, hymns reveal
Ere Thou cometh hither below
Supper we shall with Thee partake. Amen
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