O.K. H.C 327, D.C.M (FE 63) 
“Out of the depths have I cried 
unto thee O Lord” - Ps. 130:1

1.  O! HEAR our Prayer O! God of Host 

     As on our knee we cry

     We humbly seek before thy Throne 

     For mercy on our way

     Our guilt we never hide from thee 

     But ask for thy pardon 

     Never reject our prayer O! God 

     Be merciful to us.

2.  Our father's sinned and we too sinned 

     Be merciful to us

     This weakness of our dusty flesh

     We pray thee help us Lord

     When dangers come when trouble near 

     Deliver us Good Lord

     Never reject our Prayers O! God

     Be merciful to us.

3.  In one Spirit we kneel for thee
     Be merciful to us

     Before thee we confess our sin 

     Beseech thee gracious Lord 

     We're fasting for our Sin O! God 

     Forgive and make us clean

     Thine Holy Blood enough for us 

     Redeem us with thy Grace.  Amen

Yoruba »

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