HYMN 427

C.M.S 570 C.H. 98 t.H.C 138 C.M (FE 450)
“Whither shall I go from thy Spirit?"
- Ps. 139:7

1.  O Lord, art Thou examined me 

     I, the work of Thy hand

     My sitting and my uprightness 

     Are not hidden from Thee.

2.  In my house and in my panways 

     Thou art surrounded me

     No thought or word of mine is hid

     All are known unto Thee.

3.  Behold before and me behind

     Thou art confined me, Lord 

     Greatest mystery art this knowledge 

     I can comprehend not.

4.  Absconding away from Thy sighl 

     It‘s vain effort to me

     Thine spirit is far beyond me

     So, I abscond in vain.

5.  Though I abscond into darkness 

     Of vain effort it be

     Darknessis more of light to Thee 

     Same as the brightest day.

6.  As Thou art known mine heart 

    Oh Lord From mine maternal womb

    May I offer myself to Thee 

    All toThee, Saviour, Lord.  Amen

Yoruba »

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