HYMN 363

(FE 385)
C.M.S 413 t. H.C 553, 8s 7s

1.  WHO are ye, who art His temple 

     The Lord we have expected

     The prophet has for long foretold 

     And God brings His word to pass 

     Those who have been redeeemed 

     shall sing

     And praise the Lord with one voice.

2.  In the arms of virgin mother 

     Behold and see how He sleeps 

     He it was that the elders served 

     Before they died

     In the faith

     Hallelujah, Hallelujah, 

     Behold the king of glory.

3.  Jesus by being lified up

     Thou hast all our sorrows borne 

     Thy great salvation may we see 

     Thy promise to us fulfil

     Thy great glory take us to see 

     Up to a Holy Father.

4.  Thou the prince of our salvation 

     Thy goodwill may be our song,

     Jesus, all glory be to Thee

     For thy work of redemption 

     With the Father and the Spirit

     O Lord God our creator.  Amen

Yoruba »

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