HYMN 356
C.M.S 422, K. (FE 379)
306 t.H.C 106 6. 7s
1. BLESS'D are they in Christ abide
All are Joint heirs, one in God
By His precious blood redeem'd
Brought forth all from death to life.
Chorus: Oh God; may we worthy be
Here on earth and high above.
2. Justified by grace alone
Are all whom by Christ redeemed
Washed and cleans’d from crimson
stains Shall from judgement all be free.
Chorus: Oh God; may we worthy...
3. Fruit of Spirit all they bore
In all righteous works and deeds
Sin and evil they abhor
Word of God in them abide.
Chorus: Oh God; may we worthy...
4. Through the shed blood of the
Lamb Joint heirship with God
attain‘d By the Saviour's majesty
Robes of glory they adorn.
Chorus: Oh God; may we worthy be
Here on earth and high above. Amen
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