HYMN 268
(FE 288)
1. WHO dandle in the sin pond
To thee Christ is calling
Thy burden of sin to remove
Salvation thee to give.
Chorus: Christ is calling, thee
Him to meet
In this band of Cherubim
Jesus waiting thee to reveive
His call, thee never shark.
2. To this world Blessed Lord
Jesus came
Thee from all thy sins to save
Thee from all thy sickness cure
Oh what Salvation sogreat.
Chorus: Christ is calling, thee...
3. Thy sin, it as crimson is red
White as snow, thee, Christ
will make
Thy salvation, He‘s accomplished
For thee, Him it‘s to accept.
Chorus: Christ is calling, thee...
4. Hark Christ, thee calling for repentance
And redemption for thy soul
Hearken to the salvation call
Come ere now the door is closed.
Chorus: Christ is calling, thee...
5. Tho satan and world against thee
And much trouble on the ways
Come under Christ's Holy Shelter
Give Thy soul a lasting rest.
Chorus: Christ is calling, thee
Him to meet
In this band of Cherubim
Jesus waiting thee to reveive
His call, thee never shark. Amen
Yoruba »Update Hymn