HYMN 260
C.M.S.176 H.C 170 7s (FE 280)
"I have no pleasure in the death
of the wicked" - Ezek. 33:11
1. SINNERS, turn why will ye die?
God your maker, ask thee why
God, who did thy being give
Make thee with himself to live
He the fatal cause demands,
Ask the work of His own hands
Why, ye thankless creatures, why
Will thou cross His love, and die?
2. Sinners turn why will ye die
God thy Saviour, asks thee why
God who did thy Souls retrieve,
Died Himself that ye might live,
Will ye let Him die in vain,
Crucify the Lord Again?
Why ye ransom’d sinners? why
Will you slight His grace, and die?
3. Sinners turn why will ye die?
God, the Spirit; asks thee why
He who all thy lives hath striven
Urged thee to contend for heaven
Will you not His Grace receive,
Will you still refuse to live
Why’ye long‐ sought sinners why,
Will thou grieve thy God and die?
4. Can you doubt if God is love
If to all His yearnings move?
Will ye not his word receive
Will ye not His oath believe?
See, your dying Lord appears
Jesus weeps believe his tears
Mingled with His blood they cry,
Why will ye resolve to die? Amen
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