HYMN 236

C.M.s.187 H.C.117 t.S 43 
(FE 256) ss 97

1.  FOUR scores, ten and nine tenderly lie

     In the cool shadow of the Lord

     But one went astray on the mountain wild 

     Farther from the golden plain

     Farther from the fold to the mountain wild 

     Farther, away from sacred shepherd Christ.

2.  Four scores, ten and nine thine portion here 

     Jesus, Thy desire fulfilled? 

     Christ Jesus Shepherd flash a response thus 

     All hath wander'd far from Me

     Dreary ever though the way all may be 

     To the dreadful wilderness there I'll go 

     In Search of the meek sheep gone astray.

3.  One of all the lot Redeemed of the Lord 

     Dept of the sea yet unknown

     And dreary the night wadeth

     through by Christ

     The sheep alas recov’reth

     Afar in the deep, her voice He hark 

     Weary, fainting, naught and sapped of life.

4.  Whenceforth is the flow the drooping blood 

     Our path, led to sacred mount

     Shed blood of the Lamb for lost wand’ring souls 

     Of Christ Jesus recov‘reth 

     Jesus! what piercing mark found on thy palms? 

     By multitude of thorns, my palms pirereed.

5.  But over the hills and mountain tops'

     Great roarings from heaven above 

     Sounding! Earth rejoice with heavenly hosts 

     “Sheep gone astray now is found of God 

     Sounds Angelic trumps above

     Rejoice! sheep gone astray, Jesus 

     hath found.  Amen

Yoruba »

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