HYMN 140
(FE 157)
Tune: Om’egbe Serafu
1. YE members of Seraphim
And ye of Cherubim
Let's offer thanks unto our God
Let’s offer thanks unto our God
Who made us witnesses of this
special day.
Chorus: Let us all join chorus
Let us all shout halleluyah
Praises to Jehovah is due
Graceful, generous King.
2. A host of members of our fold
This day but can not see
A host had wandered far away
Others walloweth in trouble
Many others had passedon
To eternity.
Chorus: Let us all join chorus...
3. Members of prayerist band
Be persistent in prayer
Lift up the sword of victory
The Lord with us we shall conquer
Though the devil wage war
But nay he can't prevail.
Chorus: Let us all join chorus...
4. During this calendar year
The barren will be blessed
All the sick shall be wholly healed
No epidemic in our homes
The broken hearted
Shall sweet comfort receive.
Chorus: Let us all join chorus...
5. To all those who do lack
Father above shall provide
The hungerud shall be fully fed
The debtors fully be redeemed
Penury shall cease and
Joy shall fill our hearts.
Chorus: Let us all join chorus...
6. Love is the greatest command
Father bestow we plead
Let elders share love with the young
Amongst malefolks and femalefolks
In love host of Angels
keep praising Father above.
Chorus: Let us all join chorus...
7. The book of prophet Joel
ln the second chapter
ln the verse of one score and eight
The word fulfilled to Cherubim
And Band of Seraphim all
within ourfold.
Chorus: Let us all join chorus...
8. Glory unto Father be
Glory to Son we give
Glory be to Holy Spirit
And glory to Almighty be
Thou the focus of Seraphim
Save us from shame.
Chorus: Let us all join chorus
Let us all shout halleluyah
Praises to Jehovah is due
Graceful, generous King. Amen
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