HYMN 138

“If it had not been the Lord" - Ps. 124:1

1.  IF not God on our side

     Had been the Lord of Host

     Let we all now proclaim

     When against us rose evil force. 

Chorus:  Thanks we give unto God

              The merciful father

              Loud Hossanah to His name

              We give Thanks to Jehovah 

              Who from evil snare saved us

              Thanks be to Thee O Lord.

2.  With all their evil strength 

     Would have encompassed us 

     Thanks we give unto God 

     Who frustrated all evil plans. 

Chorus:  Thanks we give unto God...

3.  From snare of the fowlers 

     Our soul as bird escaped 

     Snare broke while we escape 

     Rejoice Jesus has set us free. 

Chorus:  Thanks we give unto God...

4.  Your grace O Lord our God 

     Hath saved us now again 

     From all our enemies 

     However they may be on us. 

Chorus:  Thanks we give unto God...

5.  Brethren rest all your minds 

     With Jehovah our God 

     Howbeit all evil works

     ls nothing before Jesus Lord. 

Chorus:  Thanks we give unto God...

6.  In the name of the Lord

     Our help ever remain

     Creator earth and heaven

     The King of all the Holy Saints. 

Chorus:  Thanks we give unto God...

7.  Glory to Father be

     Glory to Son we give

     Glory to Holy Ghost

     The Trinity Hark unto us. 

Chorus:  Thanks we give unto God

              The merciful father

              Loud Hossanah to His name

              We give Thanks to Jehovah 

              Who from evil snare saved us

              Thanks be to Thee O Lord.  Amen

Yoruba »

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