Awake..and myself will awake early Ps 108:2
C.M.S. 1, H.C. 2, L.M. (FE 19)
1. AWAKE, my soul, and with the sun
Thy daily stage of duty runs;
Shake off dull sloth. and joyful rise
To pay thy morning sacrifice.
2. Thy precious time mis-spent redeem;
Each present day thy last esteem;
Improve thy talent with due care
For the great day thyself prepare.
3. Let all thy converse be sincere,
Thy conscience asthe montide clear,
Think how all-seeing God thy ways
And all thy secret thoughts surveys.
4. By influenceof the light Divine,
Let thy own light too thers shine,
Reflect all Heaven‘s propitious rays
ln ardent love and cheerful praise.
5. Wake, and lift up thyself my heart,
And with the angels bear thy pan,
Who all night long unwearied sing
High praise to the eternal King.
6. I wake, I wake, ye heavenly choir
May your devotion me inspire
That I, like you my age may spend,
Like you may on my God attend. Amen
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